Years 7 to 9 Program Leader | Mr Damien Coman

Our Year 7 and 9 students will complete their NAPLAN exams next Tuesday.

Whilst many boys feel like they have just returned from holidays, I always like to present the fact that we are actually heading into Week 4 next week of a 9-week term! Boys often sigh in disbelief (especially when public holidays are also brought into the equation). The main message is to commence any assignments that have been issued so that the final product is every students’ best. In this way boys can have the required time to do these assignments justice. Of course, this also then leads to have the required time to prepare for exams (rather than squeezing 8 weeks of work across a range of subjects in 1 or 2 weeks-impossible!).

Year 8 Guest speaker

Next Wednesday our Year 8s have the privilege of engaging with Mr Luke McKenna, an author and educational specialist on getting school students to achieve their full potential. I hope that the Year 8 students take note of some of the main ideas that Luke presents. Having a positive ‘growth mindset’ is one of his biggest beliefs. There are lessons that can be applied to all areas of life.

NAPLAN Years 7 and 9

Our Year 7 and 9 students will complete their exams next Tuesday 9(Language Conventions and Writing tests), Wednesday 10(Reading) and Thursday 11 May (Numeracy- Calculator and Non-Calculator). Year 9 students will meet in the Campbell Centre Gallery each of these days immediately after they have been marked off at Tutor Group and the Year 7s will assembly in the GT125 Theatre each day immediately after they have been marked off at Tutor Group.

Equipment for NAPLAN


This includes 2B or HB pencils, blue or black biros, an eraser and sharpener. On Thursday students will have to use a calculator. No rulers are allowed and pencil cases must be clear (so examiners can see inside them).