Captain’s Corner | Vice Captain, Will Cook

A reflection on National Reconciliation Week.

National reconciliation week brings us the opportunity to reflect on our country’s history, appreciate the depth and significance of our indigenous cultures and acknowledge the atrocities of our shared history. It is important to look backwards to all the injustice, the stolen generations, the genocide. Steps forward also need to be celebrated; the 1967 referendum, the Mabo decision or Kevin Rudd's historic apology are important events towards reconciliation. They are certainly worth celebrating. However, this year we are called to do more than remember, acknowledge and celebrate, this year we are also called to “take the next steps”. We are not only called to recognise and acknowledge the injustices of the past, but to also act for change. National reconciliation week reminds us that reconciliation is an ongoing process. National reconciliation week reminds us that many injustices still exist in our society. National reconciliation week reminds us that things must change.