Years 7, 8 and 9 Program Leader | Mr Damien Coman

Congratulations to the Terrace mathematicians.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate some of Terrace’s best mathematicians for their outstanding results in the UQ/QAMT Problem Solving Competition (a joint initiative with the Queensland Association of Mathematics teachers and the University of Queensland School of Maths and Physics). Terrace had the best in the state in Years 7, 9 and 11 with seconds in Years 9 and 10! The results display students from Queensland’s other biggest school who also have wonderful academic traditions but the results from Terrace were outstanding. Congratulations to our Years 7,8 and 9 students (Year 7-Ryan Wong 1st, Year 8-Tyler O’Farrell Commendation, Year 9 William Barnett 1st, Yang Zhang and Patrick Gleeson equal 2nd, Justin Jeyarajah Commendation.

Our middle years students have received their reports and reflection on these are incredibly important. They can now plan. Their plan for this term could include three parts- What/How/How well? What is being covered this term and what are the assessment requirements for this? How am I going to study (Terrace recommended methods are covered each term in Formation) and how well am I going to do this? Consistency throughout the term is the key as well as attention to detail for homework. There is hard work involved and thinking about questions in review chapters etc. can lead to an understanding that is deeper than merely trying to memorise passages. Goals need to be renewed for the term and we talk to students in Formation about SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Action Planned, Realistic, Time Framed).