Captain’s Corner | Vice Captain, Jack Kimmins

As the Ekka has rolled into town and folk from across country Queensland have flocked to Brisbane to proudly display their award-winning process, I am reminded of my own family history. My mother, having grown up on a sheep property outside Warwick, has ensured that I’ve always been aware of where she grew up and where I come from. In other words, she made sure I knew the difference between Muckadilla and Augathella. In thinking about all of this, a word sprung to mind: roots.

Our motto at Terrace this year is 18 000 Strong. It acknowledges the 18 000 Terracians who have gone before us and challenges us to uphold and build upon their traditions. In short, 2017 is about roots.

We learnt in Science, before I discontinued my academic endeavours in that particular field of study, that an animal with genetically diverse roots will be far stronger than one with parents of similar genetic makeup. In much the same way, what makes Terrace strong is the diversity of young men who have passed through this College. Over time Terrace has developed a rich culture of celebrating young men from all different facets of College life. Whether it be a premiership in Debating or Rugby, an A in your math test or in your AMEB piano exam, Terrace will acknowledge you.

To meet the challenge set out for us by our motto, we must continue to celebrate this diversity today. We can’t all be stars on the rugby field, excel in the classroom, or act on the stage. But as a community, by celebrating all these differing talents equally, we can make our school a better place and grow our roots to make us strong.