Captain’s Corner | College Captain, Ryan Gassman

"There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story." -Frank Herbert

The last five years at Terrace have been one incredible story. From day one, stepping out into the school yard for the first time and seeing Levin Matthews take on and beat Seniors in arm wrestles, to this year watching masses of Seniors flood the grandstand at every Terrace sporting event each weekend, cheering until their throats hurt. Each experience has been an incredible one, but after finishing my last exam on Monday morning it hit me. This is one of the last times I will wear the red and black. One of the last times I will see some of these gentlemen I have spent the past five years with. One of the last times I will walk these halls as a student. And it all seems to have happened so fast, from day one to now. Because that is the reality of school. It is brief. A fleeting period of time in which some of the greatest memories, friendships and experiences in one’s lifetime are condensed. But that is what makes it so special.

As we, the Senior Class of 2017, wrap things up in our final week in preparation to leap forward into a new stage of our lives I can honestly say that every one of us has used this brief time at the College to the best of our ability. I have not seen stronger friendships arise out of a cohort nor have I seen the same intent to work so tirelessly for each other. And it is these mates, these attributes that every Terrace Gentleman leaving this year will take into the next part of their journey. And it is why I am so confident that wherever we may go, and in whatever walk of life, as a Terrace Old Boy, success will follow.