Dean of Identity | Mr Charles Brauer

The Why and How of St Joseph?

How would you like to be described? 

As being strong and gentle? As being humble? As being faithful and courageous? As personifying each of these?

The Christian Brothers chose the name “Joseph” for our school quite deliberately. They chose our name so that we could grow towards being like St Joseph through following his example. They chose “Joseph” to inspire us all and to provide us with a great example of love and humility.  St Joseph is often referred to as the “humble carpenter”. This reminds us that he was a real person, like you and me, with real opportunities and problems. 

Through liturgy on Monday morning we paused and gathered to celebrate the Feast Day of St Joseph. Throughout this liturgy, Years 8 and 9 Terracians presented us with some clear examples of how we keep St Joseph alive in our community each day. They presented the following:

Strong and gentle
How can we be strong and gentle at the same time? Our College song provides us with a clue – “men of spirit, bold, unjaded”. For me, when I hear these words it reminds me that when we give from the heart, from a true place, we can give gentle actions with conviction, with purpose. We see this in the eyes of the Terracians who turn up at 7am each Friday morning for the Kolega Cafe to raise awareness for the disadvantaged people of Timor-Leste. 
(Flynn Marsh 8K)

The humble carpenter
At this great school, Terracians are humble in their work, getting their head down and working hard to be the best that they can be, expecting no reward. This act of genuine respect of Terracians in the classroom, on the sporting fields and in the playgrounds shows just how our students can dedicate themselves to a task without expecting anything in return. 
(Sacha Rapchuk 9B)

Faithful and  courageous
Being “brave and game men” means being courageous and determined. I see brave and game men at Terrace when students attend tutoring, determined to improve their learning. Students demonstrate this bravery by admitting when they need help and seeking that assistance. Bravery in learning is shown at Scholars' Assemblies where students are recognised for improving their results.
(Tom Davis 9K)

St Joseph, you followed the path of humility, the path of strength and gentleness, the path of faith and courage, a path of love.

We pray that as the Terrace Family, we may follow your example in growing to be more Christ like in all that we say and do.

St Joseph, Patron Saint of our College, pray for us.


The Good News of Terrace – Magee House enacting their Lenten commitment to their friends at St Mary of the Cross