It's QTAC Time! | Ms Natalie Twine
These are exciting times as our graduating cohort contemplates the important steps they must take to secure their future beyond school.
For most of our Year 12 students, this will mean planning a progression to further studies in the higher education sector. ‘Futurists’ tell us that our labour force will need more university graduates as emerging work roles become increasingly sophisticated. Indeed, the Australian Bureau of Statistics labour market report indicates that over 90% of emerging jobs will require advanced vocational education or university qualifications. The newly released Universities Accord report sets an ambitious target of 55% of Australians aged 25-34 holding a bachelor’s degree by 2050.
For most of our students, the journey to a professional career starts with a Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) application. With the capacity to apply for six preferences across 19 different institutions, students can craft an application that caters for their interests and aspirations yet builds in upgrading pathways to assist them in meeting their study goals. Having the flexibility to change preferences (especially after the release of ATARs on December 13) means students can align their preferences with current ATAR thresholds and maximise the likelihood of receiving an offer.
Career and study aspirations are ever-evolving, and it is not unusual for students to change their QTAC preferences. Aside from a few periods of time when applications are locked down in anticipation of a pending offer round, students can revisit and rework their applications. The Year 12 QTAC Guide clearly states the preference change deadlines that precede the major offer rounds (pages 20-21 for those interested).
I hope that our students will all make their applications before Term 4 starts and enter the external exam period with a fresh mind, free of QTAC considerations. There is ample time after the external exam period to revisit and, if necessary, reconsider QTAC preferences.
I know our Year 12 students are working hard but taking the time to contemplate career choices and research appropriate pathways. Attending to the groundwork in career planning inevitably reaps rewards. I am looking forward to great outcomes from the Class of 2024!