Dean of Studies | Mrs Julie Quinn

Years 8, 9, 10 | Semester 2 | subject choices

In the next two weeks, our Year 9 and 10 students will have the opportunity to select their elective of History or Geography for next semester. Both Mrs Cook, the Head of Faculty and History coordinator and Mr Benham , the coordinator of Geography have spoken to the boys about the subject material and assessment for History and Geography. Mrs Cook will send communication to parents and the boys on the topics covered in each of these subjects. Boys will make their selection online. They will receive directions for this process.

Year 8 students will select a strand from the Creative Arts | Music, Art, and Drama, they wish to study for next semester. This process will be carried out via their current classroom teacher of Creative arts. Please note that students may not receive their first choice due to resourcing constraints.

“Famous Five”

On the occasions that students visit my office to discuss their academic results and to plan on how they can improve these results, I ask what I call my “famous five” diagnostic questions:

  • Do you have a study plan and do you use your study plan?
  • Do you do Friday roll call?
  • Do you log your hours and reach the minimum suggested for your year level?
  • Have you downloaded the checklist, made a book from the checklists, and are you using it for revision?
  • Do you attend the tutoring offered at school?

A “yes” or “no” answer is all that is allowed. A student who responds with five “yes” answers is always the student who is performing at his best.

Our visiting expert on literacy, Dr Ian Hunter, on viewing the responses to the literacy diagnostic testing carried out with all Year 8 and 9 students, commented upon the work rate of our students. Dr Hunter visits many schools within Australia and overseas and commented upon our boys having one of the highest work rates ever measured. This is a credit to our community and the learning culture that exists within it.

Email from a past student

Below is an extract from an email from a Senior of 2016. How encouraging to know that our students leave us with strategies to excel in their studies beyond Terrace and their appreciation and gratitude of the opportunity offered to them. An email from a true Terrace gentleman:

We have started our journey with two first year courses and two second year courses, so quite simply have hit the ground running. However, the work ethic and self-motivation that is instilled in all Terrace students has been a significant factor on the Terrace old boys remaining on top of their studies.
All in all, so far, I am loving the degree and only have Terrace to thank for granting me this privileged opportunity.