College Dean | Acting Dean, Mr Damien Fall

The Brisbane Open House event, held last weekend, saw an excellent uptake from the public. A large number of Brisbane’s community came to look through the beautiful Treacy Building. Many of our visitors were Old Boys, for whom the building was out of bounds when they were students at Terrace. They were able to satisfy their curiosity by finally having the opportunity to look through the building that has such a rich history. The Old Boy presence at Saturday’s event was another reminder of the lifelong connection to Terrace that is felt by so many of our students. The Senior cohort is only a small number of weeks away from saying farewell to Terrace and we are hopeful that they retain their fond links to the school. Some of the focus in coming weeks will be on them finishing well and life after their time at Terrace finishes.

Ms Samantha Knott has taken a period of leave and we wish her well at this time. At this stage, Ms Knott will be absent for four weeks, returning in Week 6. In her absence, Mr Derek Cameron has been employed to teach Samantha’s classes and we feel confident that they will be well taught. These unavoidable staffing changes occur on occasions and minimising the impact on student learning is our priority.

Next week, there will be some staffing movements as Dr Carroll’s period of leave comes to an end. Mr Chris Ryan will return to the College Dean role, I will recommence as Dean of Students, Mr Damien Cuddihy will return to Dean of Waterford Place, Mr Mason Hellyer moves back to HOF Human Movement and Mr Rob Sweeper steps down from acting in Mason’s place. The opportunity for staff to act in new roles can be disruptive, but it is an excellent professional experience and actually contributes to the effectiveness of our staff. On behalf of the community, I thank all members of staff who have embraced their new opportunities with such enthusiasm and professionalism.