Years 7, 8 and 9 Program Leader | Mr Damien Coman

The Formation program at the start of each term commences in the same way for a good reason, we reflect on last term’s results, so students think about how they prepared and if their preparation for assignments and exams was effective for them. Goal setting for each term requires some thought about the actions that need to occur in order to strive to achieve the goal. 

Students create their weekly routine, acknowledging all of the time that they do not have for school work, and then plot the block of time that they make for homework, followed by revision/assignment time.  This is the aspect that students in the middle years often find most challenging as they feel they don’t have to do this. However, whilst they may not receive a mark or have revision checked, it is this element that brings academic success. Like any other pursuit (which boys often do understand), to be a top violinist or cricketer, a serious amount of time perfecting is required by the body.
Good habits and consistency are they key. Students need to go over and practise what they have covered in class and revision needs to commence Day 1 Week 1.
The Year 9s have Outdoor Education camps this term and need to take this into consideration for their plan also.
The Leadership team will complete their Year Level assemblies, giving the main messages from each area of the College to students in a very clear manner. This occurs within the first two weeks of each term. Mrs Quinn also highlights a number of students that have performed strongly in their studies, but also acknowledges those students who have made significant improvements.