Dean of Identity | Mr Charles Brauer

What are we waiting for?

In our Church, Advent is the time to slow down and wait with patience. This is a big challenge for us. With holidays just around the corner, we are tempted to hurry and get ready for Christmas. While it is important for us to be ready with gifts, we also need to be ready in our hearts to receive the greatest gift, the gift of the life of Jesus.

This weekend the First Sunday of Advent starts. As we are not galvanised by school life for the Advent season, it is important for us to share the messages of Advent before embarking on holidays. The next four weeks is time for us to consider and share the messages of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Everyday these messages are alive here at Terrace. When our young men put on the Red and Black tie, when our families gather as House groups, when we form friendships with others beyond our gates and when we share time at Tennyson or at pick-up, we are being Hopeful, Peaceful, Joyous and Loving to each other.


The red and black of our College tie is a symbol of hope. As our young men put on their College tie each and everyday, they are committing themselves to doing their best with being a Terrace Gentleman. They are committing themselves to being beacons of hope for others. When we hopeful for others, and others fill us with hope, we are encouraged to be at our best. Advent reminds us that the birth of Jesus is a sign of hope that God’s promises for each of us will be kept. 


The tais cloth of Timor-Leste is a symbol of peace. Our College prayer that we pray at the end of each day asks us to invite others to be our friends. Not just any friends, but friends who use Jesus as the model of friendship. This year we have continued to strengthen our relationship with our friends of Timor-Leste and of each of our House Friendship Groups. By welcoming others into the story of Jesus, we are signs of peace for each other and our world.


The House we belong to here at Terrace is a symbol of joy. When we gather as House communities we celebrate the joy that lies in spending time with each other. By spending time with each other we are being present to each other. Being there for others. Laughing with others.  Encouraging others. Advent is a time for celebrating the joy that lies in the birth of Jesus’ and his life example of walking with others.


The Celtic cross on our crest symbolises God as a loving presence in our lives. It is no coincidence that our large Celtic cross will soon return and be placed at our new Rogers St gate. The Celtic cross reminds us that our everyday interactions with each other are an opportunity to care for others.  By caring for each other, we are a loving presence to each other. 

I truly hope the upcoming Advent season allows you to answer the “Why are we waiting?” question. Let us know that at the centre of the gift pile this Christmas are the gifts of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. May the holiday period bless you and your family with these gifts.

The Good News of Terrace – Our Year 6 Terracians celebrating their End of Year Mass with their families.