Deputy Principal | Mr Damien Fall

The strategic direction of Terrace is informed by the College’s Strategic Plan document. Our current Strategic Plan is due for renewal at the end of 2020 and we have commenced the process of updating the plan, which is due to be launched early in 2021. Like all good organisations, our daily operations are guided by this plan and assist us with focusing on the big picture while continuing to go about our daily roles. Each year, the College Leadership Team produces its annual action plan, which operationalises the Strategic Plan while ensuring we stay true to our College Mission in our everyday activities. To assist us, the College has engaged Mr Damien Brennan, an education consultant who has assisted numerous Brisbane schools with developing their strategic direction. Various members of the College community will be consulted in the process and we look forward to launching the plan early next year.

The recent run of Terrace babies has continued in the last few days. Mr Anthony Baruksopulo was delighted to welcome his first son, Lennox, on Friday, while Ms Cassie Bampton proudly introduced us to baby Isabella Daisy on Monday. All parents and babies are doing very well, and the Terrace Family passes on our congratulations and very best wishes. Anthony is taking a period of leave and will return to work in the new term, while Cassie will return for Semester 2 next year.

A reminder to our parents and caregivers that current circumstances mean we will run next term’s Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews remotely via Teams. The interviews will be held on the afternoon and evening of 15 and 22 July. For those who are unfamiliar with using Teams, please don’t be concerned. We will be sending home a user guide with reports at the end of the term, and Teams is quite a simple platform to navigate. It can also be very helpful to consult with your tech-savvy sons for IT support. Bookings will be made by the usual method and this will also be outlined when reports are sent. My best wishes to all students over the coming days as they complete their assessment for the semester.