Captains’ Corner | Vice Captain, Zach Boland

It is hard to hard to fathom that we are nearing the completion of Week 5 of Term 3. Many memorable moments have already been shared amongst the school so far regarding support and participation at sporting events, cultural activities and just in day to day Terrace life.

Tuesday night marked the 2018 Terrace formal, which was attended after two days of gruelling QCS preparation. It was a well celebrated and well deserved night that allowed everyone to relax and forget about all the busy commitments that have been so demanding for the Year 12 students. The QCS preparation was a testament to the cohort as everyone maintained their focus on the task at hand and didn’t get side tracked. Even though, it would have been perfectly understandable to have a day at home on the Ekka holiday following the two days of QCS trials, countless Seniors attended another QCS workshop on the Ekka public holiday (after their formal). I believe this is a true demonstration of the character of the Senior cohort and the Terrace Family. Many people had assignments to complete (Maths B, Maths C, English, Physics just to name a few), this commitment demonstrates that the Terrace Family is willing to put aside their own individual agendas to try and support the group.   

Another recent personal significant moment happened just a few days ago. My French exchange student, Antoine, returned to France. After his first day at Terrace I asked him if he liked school. He replied that he loved Terrace mainly because “everyone is smiling, and everyone knows each other”. This was a common theme whenever we discussed the differences between Terrace and his French school, La Perverie. One thing in particular that stood out for him was after attending a Maths peer tutoring session with the great Math Gods Hughston Parle, Dom Thompson, Jacob Montaner, Ben Panizza and Tom Waldie. Antoine was so impressed that the culture at Terrace was one that involved everyone helping each other and genuinely wanting each other to succeed. He said that in France that would never have happened. Everyone would be only looking out for themselves. He really loved this aspect of Terrace. This is exactly what makes us so strong and so privileged to be able to go to a school like Terrace. 

There are only a few weeks of school learning left so we need to ensure that we get on top of assignments quickly and try to get through to revision. Remember that Terrace students are always there if you need a hand, so don’t be afraid to ask. Lastly, remember to continue to involve yourself in the Terrace Family whether that is in Saturday sport or service programs to continue to make everlasting memories.