Captains’ Corner | Vice Captain, Anton Saunders

On Friday 14 February, against all odds, the sun shone for the first time in three weeks. There was a degree of uncertainty among the Terrace Family as to whether or not the annual Inter-House Swimming Carnival would be possible, given the conditions, but the change of weather resulted in a perfect day for the pool. It was a scorcher – the UV rating was extreme and the humidity 96%. 

On days like Friday, it is easy to forget the three S’s we were taught when we were younger: Slip, Slop, Slap.

This has now changed to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide as we have become more aware of the dangers of the sun and the ways we can protect ourselves.  

Internationally, Queensland is considered the “skin cancer capital of the world.” Even on overcast days, UV ratings can be threatening to our wellbeing. Bearing this in mind, we cannot afford to be forgetting the three S’s. I personally carry a bottle of SPF 50+ in my bag every day. 

The Terrace Family spends a fair bit of time in the sun – whether it be doing HPE, co-curricular sport or eating lunch in the yard. I think it would be remiss of me if I was not to outline a few of the College’s facilities that protect us from the sun. On campus, we have Mt Sion, which provides shaded break areas for the convenience of all year levels, but namely the Year 8s and 12s. There is also the newly refurbished underground pool under Duhig place, adjacent to the Campbell centre, which students use for HPE and squad training. The College has an assortment of hats on offer. For daily use to and from school, as well as in the yard, students have the College Akubra. For HPE and Saturday sport, students have the option of wearing the sports cap or broad brimmed hat. There is also a supporter cap available for staff and parents.

For the sake of the Terrace Family’s health, I implore that everybody reminds each other of sun-safe practices. As the old saying goes, “teamwork makes the dream work” – my dream being that in writing this edition of Captains’ Corner, consciousness and perspective can be imparted on all who reads it. 

Until next time.