Captains’ Corner | Vice Captain, Ben Chatwood

As I am sure many of you know, last Friday was one of the biggest nights in the jam-packed Terrace calendar - House Choir. Personally, House Choir has provided some of my favourite memories during my time at Terrace, with badly sung (or more yelled) songs, intricate skits and the interesting outfits chosen by the Seniors.

None of this could be done without the hard work of the House Captains who have organised everything over the past few weeks. I always assumed House Choir just magically came together, and because of that, I probably didn’t appreciate the work the House Captains and Seniors put in to make sure their performance runs smoothly. The hours put in by each House Captain, thinking of themes and songs, creating actions, rehearsing and running around Brisbane looking for costumes and props is highly commendable. I am sure some of them may rather have used the time studying for the upcoming maths exams, yet they never complained and just got on with the job. They should all be very proud of their efforts.

A standout endeavour was from the Barret House Captains, who went above and beyond for their performance by obtaining a free piano, picking it up in a ute (which broke down). Mr Cameron came to their rescue and bought one of the school utes to Kenmore McDonalds. There, the boys slid a 600kg piano across ute trays before gutting it so they could transport it to the Pat Rafter Arena. And fortunately, it seems that the judges appreciated this effort as they managed to pick up a nice second place.

Overall, the night was fantastic, just as magical in my final year as it was for my first in Year 5. I would like to commend the Reidy boys for their fantastic performance, which secured them first place and my fellow Kearney boys for securing the all-important People's Choice Award. I would also like to thank Mr Cocking, the Music staff and all the staff and volunteers, including parents/caregivers and siblings, who made the night possible.

I believe the House Captains and everyone involved in making the night such a success certainly Answered the Call giving their all to get their job done and doing so with passion and perseverance. I believe all students – no matter their year – should follow in their House Captain’s footsteps and Answer the Call and show dedication to all activities presented by the College.