Years 5 and 6 Program Leader | Mr Brendan Ganley

As we move towards the season of Advent in the Christian Church Calendar, this time parallels similar themes to Week 6 in the school year at Terrace. Both times suggest the strong theme of preparation and anticipation. Through Advent, we take a spiritual journey to Christmas and at Terrace our journey now is moving very quickly towards the end of another school year.

Last Thursday, the Year 6 retreat took place at Tennyson. It was a brilliant day for our young men as we enjoyed the chance to reflect on the time at Terrace after two years and what the changes into Year 7 will be like. It was a positive experience where we affirmed our classmates and looked at the strengths that each of us will take into 2019.

All the hard work that students have put into the preparation for the final exams over the past two terms will have put them in the best position to achieve their best results. It is now the final opportunity for students to check with their teachers that they have everything covered in their final preparation. Exam time is important. Boys must consider how they enter, how they engage in the process of the exam and ensure they use all of their time productively.  Complete each question, re-visit answers and reflect on the process to the final answer.

A key message through our formation classes this week has been being safe at school. This message is centred not only physically at school, but also how we transit to and from school each day. Our movements could be either going to Victoria Park for training; walking to the train station; walking to the bus stop; or even making our way into the city to either our parents’ work or another destination. As was communicated last week, we ask that parents have a conversation with their sons about the process of coming to and leaving school each day. Revisiting the processes allows students to be more aware.

In our core classrooms this week, we have rewarded students who have made great contributions to upholding the ideals of The Terrace Gentleman. This could be through their positive interactions with others or through their application to study in such a short term.

5 Blue – Joseph Gallagher and Isaac Nasser
5 Green – Sam Leighton and Harry Ward
5 Red – Xavier Montes and Alexander Piggott
5 White – Thomas Vedelago and Thomas Dooley
5 Yellow – Angus Jardine and Martin Fang
6 Blue – Oscar Oxenham and Joseph Walsh
6 Green – Samuel Broadhurst and Cameron French
6 Red – Archie Lunn and Max Van Balen
6 White – Jack Hogan and William Charles

Through our assembly, we also acknowledged students with our RICE award. This an award where we believe students have displayed the qualities similar to our founder. Congratulations to: Oliver Marriott, Alessandro Brancatini and Charlie Sheehan.

An invitation is extended to Years 5 and 6 parents to our End of Year Masses. Our Year 5 Mass will take place on Tuesday 27 November and the Year 6 Mass will be Wednesday 28 November. Each Mass will begin at 9am in the College Chapel of the Holy Family with refreshments on the Treacy Building verandah following Mass. It would be great to see as many parents as possible to celebrate with their sons the year that was 2018.