Dean of Students | Mr Damien Fall

On Sunday, our nation recognised the 100th Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that signalled the end of World War One.  The word 'legacy' is often strongly connected to war and unfortunately, much of the legacy of war has a negative connotation.  Our Senior students hear the word legacy from us a lot, as we challenge them about what they will leave behind and how they will be remembered as a cohort.  It is timely to discuss the concept of legacy as we farewell our Seniors this Friday through a series of rituals that include their final College Assembly, Valedictory Mass, and Dinner at City Hall.  I am delighted to say with all sincerity, that our Seniors of 2018 will be fondly remembered for the positive impact they have had this year and in each of their years as a cohort.  They have worked hard and have been strongly aligned to our culture and ethos.  They will certainly be remembered as being passionately connected to the College and for setting the bar high in terms of support of each other.  We wish them every success as they move on to the next stage of their lives.  The Seniors of 2018 certainly brought their motto ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’ to life in the way they carried themselves.  They leave us with fond memories and the College is a better place from their influence.

The rest of the College has two weeks left this year, and it is important that all students from Years 5 to 11 finish the year strongly.  The term has been short and sharp, and with exams commencing next week, there is no time to waste.  We should be seeing students making sacrifices and forgoing some of their preferred activities to ensure they are as well-prepared as possible.  With limited days remaining, it can be tempting for students to lower their standards about important matters such as classroom application and personal presentation.  It is very important that students finish well with regard to all aspects of their education, including punctuality, the way they wear their uniform, behaviour in public and road safety.  We don’t want the good work of the year undone in the final days.  A reminder that Year 11 students commence exams on Thursday 22 November and are only required at school when they have an exam.  For all other year levels, school finishes at 12.30pm on Friday 30 November.  Students are expected to be in attendance until this time and we respectfully request that parents ensure their sons do not commence holidays before this.  I look forward to the final two weeks being smooth and productive.