Dean of Identity | Mr Charles Brauer

The Joy of Friendship

Amidst the final call for lost property and notices to our students, the ‘joy of friendship’ is the final phrase each school day broadcast from our public announcement system. We intentionally conclude each day with these words resonating through our classrooms and in our minds. This is our daily reminder of the power of right and respectful relationships with one another, a key tenant of our Mission.

Our House Friendship Groups provide each member of the Terrace Family with the chance to enact the ‘joy of friendship’. As a Lenten focus, our nine House groups are reconnecting with their respective Friendships Groups and strengthening mutual friendships centred on mutual liberation. Although there will be some planned fundraisers, the main challenge and focus for our House communities is to foster ‘right’ relationships through face-to-face interactions.

Below is a list of our House Friendship Groups, with links to further information about each friendship community.

Barrett House -  Western Suburbs Special School

Buckley House - Childhood Cancer Support

Kearney House - Milpera State High School

Magee House - St Mary of the Cross School

Mahoney House - McIntyre Centre

Reidy House - Brisbane Youth Service

Treacy House - Orange Sky Laundry

Windsor House - YoungcareGuide Dogs QLD and Red Hill Special School

Xavier House - YourTown

 Throughout this year, you will be invited to support the friendship of your House. Whether it be giving some time visiting your friendship community or participating in a fundraising activity, you too will experience the ‘joy’ of these friendships.

Below:  Our Yeaar 12 Big Brekky Thursday Team enacting their Lenten commitment with our friends of the Eddie's Van, L-R Jacob Montaner, Harry Krek, Cameron Ball, Eddie Lockyer.