Years 7, 8 and 9 Program Leader | Mr Damien Coman

Hopefully students will be pleased with their efforts throughout Term 1 and will be rewarded with the results that they are seeking. If so, students need to reflect on and be aware of the fact that what they did worked, and that they need to continue the good work that was produced. For others who fall short of their goals, the reflective process is incredibly important - be honest in identifying what else they could have done. The many conversations that I have with students centre around needing to be more consistent with study throughout the term so that the build up to exams is not as big as it is for some. For others, finishing assignments too late in the term with only the due date ringing alarm bells then also leaves too little time to cover nine weeks of work for so many subjects. Like anything in life, it is about consistency, rather than overdoing things in the last night or two. Routines and processes should be set and outlined at the start of the term in Formation and placed up at home. This will help students ‘stick to the plan’. The reality is though, if a student finds this difficult and also does not have his routine/plan up in front of him each night, he will most likely be in the same position next term.
When we return from the Easter holidays, Parent/Student/Teacher interviews will be held on 26 April and 2 May in the Campbell Centre. This is a good opportunity to discuss the past result and also look at the term ahead.
Next Wednesday 28 March Gaming and Social Media expert Cam Adair will be at Terrace at 6pm in the Campbell Centre to speak with parents about current issues students are facing with being on devices too much.
Next week Peer Power will work with groups of Year 7s.  This is an external group that have worked with Terrace and a number of similar schools for some time on areas such as real relationships/leadership/legacy. Years 8 and 9 will hear from Cam Adair on the perils of Gaming/Social media and Year 9 will also hear from speakers on Mental Wellbeing as an adolescent in today's world.