Dean of Students | Mr Damien Cuddihy

The first week in September is always associated with QCS in Queensland schools. Next year it will be the new ATAR system which covers both Years 11 and 12. I was very proud of our community when watching the Seniors walk through the QCS tunnel on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. The student body turned out in force to demonstrate their genuine support for this year’s Seniors. They have been working very hard over the last eight months for this moment, and to be honest,  I think they were quite relieved the day had finally arrived. I don’t believe they could have done any more to ensure that they worked together for the benefit of all on Tuesday and Wednesday. Many thanks to the parents who assisted with catering. It was much appreciated. Attention now turns to the fast-approaching exam block as the year quickly disappears. 

This evening we have the Year 7 2020 Orientation program for all students in the 2025 graduating class. I spoke at length to our current Year 6 students during the week about the need to look for opportunities to positively connect with the new students in their Houses this evening. Likewise, our Year 11 students have their first opportunity to lay the platform of servant leadership for 2020. On the back of their recent leadership retreat, I am very confident they will rise to the occasion and send our new Terracians home after orientation very much looking forward to 2020.

On Monday, I had the opportunity to speak to the Year 10 cohort before they commenced their Immersion programs. It is generally a very exciting time for these students with all the immersions having a unique character to them. I asked them to reflect on the famous Lilla Watson quote. 

If you’ve come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together. 

For many boys, they will commence their Immersion certainly thinking the outcome is simply to help others. However, as their Immersion progresses, they will start to understand that it is just as much about them as it is the people in the communities that they have been welcomed into. Hopefully, they are in a much better position to appreciate Lilla Watson’s words post immersion.