Captain’s Corner | College Captain, Ryan Gassman

Last Tuesday the Year 12s experienced the excitement of the 2017 Terrace Formal. It was a great night and a well-deserved chance to relax and celebrate what has already been a great year for the Seniors of 2017. Already in the two and a half terms that have passed I have seen the incredible passion of those in the white shirts for Terrace and all it represents. This hasn’t just been the great support everyone has shown at each cultural or sporting event, it has been shown through every action undertaken by those in the white shirt during and after school hours. Whether it was making time for the younger students and their buddies or giving up time in the morning or afternoon to tutor their own peers, every Senior has undoubtedly contributed to the legacy of our cohort.

A lot of the hard work that has been done academically this year peaks next week with the QCS exams taking place. We have worked hard since Week 1 Term 1 in order to achieve our best in these exams not just for ourselves but for our cohort. It is the joint efforts of the entire grade that will determine how well we do this year and it is this determination to do well that has been demonstrated in every workshop and practise exam to date. Our own Dean of Studies, Mrs Quinn, has told us we deserve to do well, and this I whole heartedly agree with. All that is left for us now is to put into practise what we have learnt throughout this year and perform on the two days next week.

While this is all happening next week, at Waterford, the Year 10s are preparing to embark on Immersion, one of my own personal highlights during my time at Terrace. It was the experiences I had and memories I made during that three-week period that brought about some of the strongest and greatest friendships I have ever had. I can only hope the Year 10s this year have the great experiences they all deserve to have and get the most out of their chosen program.