Deputy Principal | Mr Chris Ryan

Communication with Key Staff

Our Parent Information Evenings continue, and we have now facilitated Years 5 and 7, which are our key entry points for new students and parents at the College. It is always helpful to re-cap some important information about communication with teachers and key roles.

For all students in Years 5 and 6, the key contact person at the College is their class teacher, followed by their Pastoral Care Mentor, Mr Brendan Ganley as Program Leader Years 5 and 6 and their House Dean. 

For students in Years 7 to 12, depending on the nature of the issue, again, the class teacher is the first point of contact, followed by the Pastoral Care Mentor and House Dean/Dean of Waterford. 

For Years 7 to 12, the Program Leaders may be of assistance if the matter is more complex or urgent; Mr Damien Coman for academic matters in Years 7 to 9 and Mrs Loren Serafin-Huey for academic matters in Years 11 and 12. For all pastoral matters, the House Dean is the key point of contact. From the College Leadership Team, Mr Mason Hellyer, Dean of Studies and Mr Damien Cuddihy, Dean of Students are also available for academic and pastoral matters but it may be prudent to engage with the aforementioned persons beforehand as required.

Our counselling staff are Ms Jai-Leigh Beard and Mr Paul Antenucci for personal counselling for students and Mrs Natalie Twine for Careers Counselling.  Their contact details can be found on the College website under 'Student Life'.

Please feel welcome to be in contact via email or phone with key persons on staff at the school regarding your son. Our email policy for staff encourages teachers to respond to emails within a 24-hour period, but this may not always be possible depending on the individual’s teaching program and commitments. Teachers’ formal hours of duty are from 8.15am to 3.10pm each day, but of course they carry out a myriad of educational and administrative duties both during and outside of these times to support your sons and each other; however, it is not the expectation of the College that staff respond to emails outside of work hours including evenings and weekends. Thank you for your patience when communicating with a member of staff. All email addresses commence with the staff member’s full name and conclude with   For example:

Thank you to all of the parents who have made the effort to attend a Parent Information evening or Parent / Pastoral Mentor meeting thus far. We highly value your partnership. We look forward to the Years 9 and 11 evenings next week.